
Transformative Artistry: The Journey of Chanchal Kataria

Chanchal Kataria, a distinguished figure known for her innovative makeup and special effects (SFX) artistry, has captivated audiences globally with her transformative creations. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the remarkable journey of Chanchal Kataria, exploring the inspirations, challenges, and triumphs

Shaikh Hazrun: A Visionary in Vogue

In a tale as mesmerizing as the Bollywood blockbusters themselves, Shaikh Hazrun has captivated audiences with her extraordinary journey from pilot to bikini model. As the owner of HBN Life, a lifestyle brand sponsored by the enigmatic Mr. Queen, Hazrun’s ascent to

Empowering Threads: Dr. Snigdha Majumder’s Blue Wardrobe

In the realm of fashion, a unique narrative unfolds, one woven with threads of empowerment, sustainability, and cultural reverence. At its helm stands Dr. Snigdha Majumder, the visionary founder of Blue Wardrobe, whose journey exemplifies a harmonious blend of entrepreneurial spirit and

Sadhak Dharma: Cultivating a Strong Personality

In a world often fraught with emotional and mental challenges, individuals seek fundamental solutions to navigate life’s complexities. Recognizing the transformative power of religion and spirituality in shaping thoughts, personality, and vision, Sadhak, a startup founded by young individuals passionate about spiritual


Style Swing: Fashion and Sport Collide at BPGC

The fusion of fashion and sport reached new heights at the Bombay Presidency Golf Club (BPGC) on the 10th of March, 2024, as the esteemed Indian Fashion Designer & Stylist, Asif Merchant, along with leading Show Director & Fashion Choreographer, Shakir Shaikh,

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